The German casualty and prisoner are both made by CTS. In fact you can get these two figures in both the German assault squad set and the German medical team set by CTS. I'm not sure what the prisoner has to do with a medical team, but I can't complain. I have both sets so I have eight of these figures (four for each pose). The American does not come with the set that the Germans do, he is from the US infantry set #2. I added him in because I painted him today and thought he would look good as a guard or guy on patrol.
From left to right is the American guard (not included in the set), German casualty, and German prisoner.
Here is a picture of the guard escorting the prisoner.
Same idea as the last picture, but has all three poses incorporated.
I'm not sure what I'll do with the German prisoner and casualty. I think the American will fit in just fine in a war game, but not the Germans. The only reason I painted these today was to practice painting German camouflage patterns. I have so many Germans wearing camouflage smocks it's ridiculous.